Emerging viruses

Academic Direction: Raquel Martin Folgar y Mónica Morales Camarzana

Online hours: 500 h

Starts: 06-12-2021

Ends: 31-05-2022

Begin registration: 07-09-2021

End registration: 30-11-2021

Fees: 700,00 €


Credits ECTS: 20

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The main objectives of the Emerging Viruses course are the following:

  • Learn basic notions about viruses in general and about emerging viruses in particular.
  • Study the composition of viruses, the factors involved in their appearance, their transmission mechanisms and the biotechnological tools that are developed to combat them.
  • Deepen the study of the most dangerous emerging zoonotic viruses for mankind and learn how diseases caused by them are diagnosed in the laboratory.
  • Know the vaccines and antiviral therapies that exist to deal with viruses.
  • Know how to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to carry out different exercises and non-face-to-face practical cases, proposed by the Teaching Team, with the help of the material provided in the course and complemented with the search for information by the student in popular science articles.

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The information provided in the following hyperlinks will be the sole responsibility of the Teaching Team. If any contradiction is detected, the training offer approved by the Governing Council for each call will prevail, as well as the Permanent Training Regulations and the rest of the current University legislation.

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Activity Information


Topic 1. Introduction to viruses. History of virology, the great epidemics, basic concepts, taxonomy and classification, replication cycles.

Unit 2. Emerging viruses and reemerging viruses. Factors involved in its appearance, expansion and modes of transmission.

Unit 3. Laboratory diagnosis of viral diseases.

Unit 4. Prevention of viral infections: vaccines and antiviral therapy.


Unit 5. Hemorrhagic fever.

Unit 6. West Nile virus (WNV).

Unit 7. Rabies virus (RABV).

Unit 8. Nipah virus and Hendra virus.

Topic 9. Coronavirus: SARS-CoV-1, MERS, SARS-CoV-2

Topic 10. Viruses transmitted between people by sexual and / or parenteral transmission.

Unit 11. The Zika virus (ZIKV).

Unit 12. The Flu virus A.


Unit 13. Viruses as biological weapons. Bioterrorism.

Unit 14. Working conditions with emerging viruses. Biosafety.

The methodology is that of distance learning in which face-to-face assistance is not required. The Teaching Team prepares and facilitates the documentation to present the different topics of the program, receiving the appropriate tutorial support to guide them in their study and self-evaluation, through the virtual course on the aLF platform. These materials are complemented with additional material such as scientific articles, presentations and other resources. The nature of the course is theoretical-practical and throughout it different non-contact activities will be proposed that have a formative nature and, at the same time, are the evaluation tool.

Martín Folgar, Raquel
Morales Camarzana, Mónica
Colaboración externa
Bárcena del Riego, Juan
Blanco Lavilla, Esther
Brun Torres, Alejandro
Pascual Álvarez, Gonzalo

This course is aimed at Graduates, Students and, in general, for people who want to update or expand their knowledge about viruses and, in particular, about emerging viruses (as long as they meet the requirements of Permanent Training). It is also intended for those people who are interested or curious about the diseases caused by these viral agents that are currently emerging or re-emerging in our society.
A certain knowledge about English and Computer Science is required.