Course on Tropical Medicine and Control of Transmissible Diseases for Health Professionals. 11th Event

Department: Medicina Tropical

Academic Direction: María Teresa Boquete Blanco

Starts: 22-10-2018

Ends: 26-10-2018

Begin registration: 22-02-2018

End registration: 11-10-2018

No. of places: 30

Fees: 230,00 €


Credits ECTS: 2

Because of its level of development and its economic position, Spain has a commitment with more disadvantaged countries. This is reflected in a significant presence of Spain in cooperation for development and humanitarian aid in disaster crises, with health cooperation being one of the basic pillars.

In those countries, the involvement of the community is a key element for the control of their own development, particularly in the promotion of community health. This involvement makes it possible to intervene by strengthening Health Services with regards local prevalent and endemic diseases, vaccination, improved nourishment, development of sanitation systems, and access to essential drugs.

Which leads to the need for all the staff taking part in those programmes on the ground to have a knowledge of and be trained in those infectious tropical pathologies for which we are largely unprepared, not for lack of knowledge, but because they are rarely seen in our everyday practice. For that reason, we believe it necessary for health professionals to be trained for a better development of their functions.

The contents of the course will be imparted in the form of theoretical classes and practical clinical cases.

The subjects will be divided into two blocks:

  • Cooperation and Emergency Situations, addressing subjects such as:
    • Strategies to fight against transmissible diseases.
    • Transmissible diseases in emergency situations.
    • Immunization of cooperation personnel.
    • Epidemiology of prevalent diseases in tropical contexts.
    • Programmes to control tropical diseases.
    • Nutrition in low-income countries.
  • Tropical Pathologies, addressing the following subjects:
    • Syndromic approach to tropical diseases
  • Respiratory processes
  • Fever syndrome
  • Eosinophilic syndrome
  • Abdominal syndrome
  • Other syndromes
    • Tropical dermatological pathology
    • Malaria
    • Schistosomiasis
    • Chagas disease
    • Cholera
    • HIV
    • Haemorrhagic fever

The learning methodology will focus on theoretical classes and practical workshops aimed at providing students, by the end of the course, a knowledge of and practical experience with the tools offered in tropical pathologies.

The students will be evaluated on an ongoing basis, particularly through the resolution-comments of the results obtained in practical classes.

Boquete Blanco, María Teresa

The course is aimed at postgraduate students, physicians, nurses, biologists, chemists, veterinarians, and professionals from biomedical sciences who are interested in development and are planning to develop their work in this area. The course is also opened to other health professionals connected with tropical diseases.