Página/s web del grupo:
Investigadores responsables: David Galán Madruga. david.galan@isciii.es), Francisco Sánchez Soberón
, María Elena Veiga Ochoa
. eveiga@isciii.es
Entidad: Instituto de Salud Carlos III. CNSA.
Evaluación de la exposición a contaminantes atmosféricos y radiaciones ambientales
Proyecto URBANOME. Urban Observatory for Multi-participatory enhancement of Health and Wellbeing. CE H2020 (Grant 945391). Financiación: 268.750 €
Proyecto Optimización metrológica de novedosas técnicas analíticas: Nuevos enfoques integrados para la detección de contaminantes y vigilancia de la calidad del aire (CPP2022-009754). Financiación: 640.328 €
David Galán-Madruga, Parya Broomandi, Alfredo Satyanaga, Ali Jahanbakhsi, Mehdi Bagheri, et al (2024). A methodological framework for estimating ambient PM2.5 particulate matter concentrations in the UK. Journal of Environmental Sciences. FI: 6,9 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2023.11.019 In press. Available online 27 November 2023
David Galán-Madruga, J. Cárdenas-Escudero, P. Broomandi, J.O. Cáceres, María Del Carmen González (2023). Evaluating urban indoor and outdoor PM10-bound organochlorine pesticides. Air quality status and health impact. Building and Environment, 228, 109818. FI: 7,4 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109818
Edson Plasencia Sánchez, Francisco Sánchez-Soberon, Joaquim Rovira, Jordi Sierra, Marta Schuhmacher, Albert Soler, Clara Torrentó, Mónica Rosell (2023). Integrating dual C and N isotopic approach to elemental and mathematical solutions for improving the PM source apportionment in complex urban and industrial cities: Case of Tarragona – Spain. Atmospheric Environment 293, 119449. FI: 5 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119449
Francisco Sanchez-Soberón, Gabriel F. Pantuzza, Madalena Fernandes, Vera Homem, Arminda Alves, Milton Fontes, Magda André, Joana Cunha, Nuno Ratola (2023). Helping WWTP managers to address the volatile methylsiloxanes issue–Behaviour and complete mass balance in a conventional plant. Environmental Research 234, 116564. FI: 8,3 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2023.116564
Sanchis-Otero A., Reina-Maldonado M.T., Roldán J., Barragán V.M., Muñoz S. (2023) Investigation of Zebrafish Embryo Membranes at Epiboly Stage through Electrorotation Technique. Membranes 15 (9), 785. FI:4,2. https://doi.org/10.3390/membranes13090785
Muñoz S., García-Prieto J., Bajo R., Antoranz P., Ronda S., Barragán V.M., Jiménez J.C., Sanchis A. (2023) An Electromagnetic Study of the Impact of Brain Anatomy on Deep Brain Stimulation. Acta Scientific MEDICAL SCIENCES 7(7). https://doi.org/10.31080/ASMS.2023.07.1589
Pallarés S., E. Trinidad Gómez, Á. Martínez-Poveda and M. Miguel Jordán (2021). Distribution levels of particulate matter fractions (< 2.5 µm, 2.5-10 µm and > 10 µm) at seven primary schools in a European Ceramic Cluster. International Journal Environmental Research and Public Health 18, 4922. FI: 2,849. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18094922
Degrendele C, T. Kanduč, D. Kocman, G. Lammel, A. Cambelová, S. Garcia Dos Santos, M. Horvat, P. Kukučka, A.H. Šmejkalová, O. Mikeš, B. Nuñez-Corcuera, P. Přibylová, R. Prokeš, O. Saňka, T. Maggos, D. Sarigiannis, J. Klánová. (2021). NPAHs and OPAHs in the atmosphere of two central European cities: Seasonality, urban-to-background gradients, cancer risks and gas-to-particle partitioning. Science of Total Environment 793, 148528. FI: 6,551. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148528
Saraga D, T. Maggos, C. Degrendele, J. Klánová, M. Horvat, D. Kocman, T. Kanduč, S. Garcia Dos Santos, R. Franco, P. Morillo Gómez, M. Manousakas, K. Bairachtari, K. Eleftheriadis, M. Kermenidou, S. Karakitsios, A. Gotti and D. Sarigiannis (2021). Multi-city comparative PM2.5 source apportionment for fifteen sites in Europe: The ICARUS project. Science of Total Environment 751, 141855. FI: 6,551. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141855
Muñoz S, Sebastián JL, Antoranz P, Garcia-Cambero JP, Sanchis-Otero A. Toxicity assessment of biological suspensions using the dielectric impedance spectroscopy technique. (2018) International Journal of Radiation Biology 94(10), 944-950. FI: 2,694 / NUCLEAR SCIENCE&TECHNOLOGY / D1. https://doi.org/10180/09553002.2018.1439196