Página/s web del grupo:
Investigador responsable: Pilar Fernández Hernando. pfhernando@ccia.uned.es
Entidad: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
1. E. Garrido Gamarro, D.L. Soliz Rojas, R.M. Garcinu˜no Martínez,*, G. Paniagua Gonz´alez,*, P. Fernandez Hernando
Occurrence of common plastic additives and contaminants in raw, steamed and canned mussel samples from different harvesting areas using MSPD-HPLC methodology . Food Research International 181 (2024) 114109
2. Begoña Fernández-Pintor, Gema Paniagua, Judith Gañán, Sonia Morante-Zarcero, Rosa María Garcinuño, Pilar Fernández and Isabel Sierra*. Determination of atropine and scopolamine in honey using a miniaturized polymer-based solid-phase extraction protocol prior to the analysis by HPLC-MS/MS. Polymers, 2024,16,1-19.
3. Rosa Mª Garcinuño*, Eduardo José Collado, Gema Paniagua, Juan Carlos Bravo, Pilar Fernández Hernando. “Assessment of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers as Selective Solid-Phase Extraction Sorbents for the Detection of Cloxacillin in Drinking and River Water”. Polymers 2023, 15, 4314
4. Beatriz Rios-Fuster *, Carme Alomar , Gema Paniagua Gonzalez, Rosa Mª Garcinuño Martínez, Dulce Lucy Soliz Rojas, Pilar Fernandez Hernando, Salud Deudero. “Assessing microplastic ingestion and occurrence of bisphenols and phthalates in bivalves, fish and holothurians from a Mediterranean marine protected area”. Environmental Research 214 (2022) 114034
5. R. Cañadas , R.M. Garcinuno Martínez*, G. Paniagua Gonzalez, P. Fernandez Hernando Development of a molecularly imprinted polymeric membrane for determination of macrolide antibiotics from cow milk. Polymer 249(2022) 128443
6. Beatriz Rios-Fustera, Carme Alomar, Xavier Capó, Gema Paniagua González, Rosa Maria Garcinuño Martínez, Dulce Lucy Soliz Rojas, Monica Silva, Pilar Fernández Hernando, Montserrat Solé, Rosa Freitas, SaludDeudero. “Assessment of the impact of aquaculture facilities on transplanted mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis): Integrating plasticizers and physiological analyses as a biomonitoring strategy”. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 424 (A, 127264) 1 -13
7. R. Cañadas, E. Garrido Gamarro a, R.M. Garcinuño Martínez, G. Paniagua Gonzalez, P. Fernandez Hernando. “Occurrence of common plastic additives and contaminants in mussel samples: Validation of analytical method based on matrix solid-phase dispersión”. Food Chemistry 349(2021)129-169. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.129169
8. J.C. Bravo, A. Gallego, R. M. Garcinuño, P. Fernández-Hernando, J. S. Durand. “Methacrylic acid-Ethyleneglycol dimethacrylate polymeric sorbent for the removal of estrogens from water". Desalination and Water Treatment Journal. 2019, 143, 366-373.
9. C.A. Acosta a, C.E.Lopez Pasquali a, G. Paniagua b, R.M. Garcinuño b, *,P.Fernandez Hernando. “Evaluation of total phenol pollution in water of San Martin Canal from Santiago del Estero, Argentina”. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 236, 265-272.
10. M.A. García-Mayor, G. Paniagua-González, R.M. Garcinuño-Martínez, J.S.Durand Alegría, P. Fernández-Hernando. “Synthesis and characterization of a molecularly imprinted polymer for the determination of spiramycin in sheep milk”. Food Chemistry, 2017, 221, 721-728
11. B. Soledad-Rodríguez, P. Fernández-Hernando, R.M. Garcinuño-Martínez, J.S.Durand Alegría. “Effective determination of ampicillin in cow milk using a molecularly imprinted polymer as sorbent for sample preconcentration”. Food Chemistry 2017, 224, 432-438
12. M.A. García-Mayor, G. Paniagua-González, B. Soledad-Rodríguez, R.M. Garcinuño-Martínez, P. Fernández-Hernando, J.S.Durand Alegría.“Occurrence of erythromycin residues in sheep milk. Validation of an analytical method”, Food and Chemical Toxicology 2015, 78, 26-32.
Tratamiento de la muestra (SPE, MSPD, micro-SPE)
Absorción Atómica
Cromatografía de líquidos (HPLC-DAD y HPLC-MS)
Cromatografía de gases (GC-FID y GC-MS)
Absorción Atómica
Cromatografía de líquidos (HPLC-DAD y HPLC-MS)
Cromatografía de gases (GC-FID y GC-MS)
Espectrofotómetro UV-VIS